Tips For Choosing Natural Stone (Part 1)

Tips For Choosing Natural Stone

Part One

1.  Type of stone
Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, you need to consider which type of stone you wish to choose. Ideally, you should choose the stone that’s local to your area. Across much of England, that stone is limestone. It gives villages from the Cotswolds to Lincolnshire their distinctive look and is frequently the stone of choice for churches and cathedrals. Whether you’re building a large residential property or a small section of wall, the stone should reflect local building tradition so as not to look incongruous. 

2. Consider your project

The format of the stone you choose will depend on what you require it for. If you’re building a house you may require split face walling, if you’re finishing a wall then you may need coping stones.
3. Think about the finish
Closely related to the above is the type of finish you require on your stone. A lot will depend on what you’re using it for and the overall look you’re hoping to achieve.
4. Talk to your supplier
Your supplier will understand stone, what it can and can’t be used for and what might be the most suitable for your project. If you are seeking advice our team have a wealth of knowledge and experience and the more you tell us about your plans, the better we will be able to advise. Contact us to discuss your project.
5. Get a look and feel for the products
Stone is a very tactile material. Before you make a choice, be sure to look and if possible handle the stone to get a feel for what it can bring to your project.
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For more information about our Limestone products or for some guidance and help, contact our team!